GO TIGERSI’m by no means am a Basketball fan but when your city’s team, with one exception, has an unblemished record, it’s hard not to want to participate. Ive been apart of the last two sweet sixteen / elite 8 game celebrations only to watch their elimination, preventing them from making the final four. All that changed this year and I was over come with pride for the University of Memphis Tigers. Unliked by most in the other divisons and by most refs, im sure you can agree, they persevered. Practically undefeated, the Tigers past not only to the Final Four but on to the Championship game against Kansas. At the start, the Jayhawks appeared to have our number, covering Rose like a blanket and managing to get Dorsey fouled out. CDR and Rose come back in the second half to get a 56-49 lead against the Jayhawks. It was in our grasp. You could practically taste the victory and how sweet it would have been. There we were with only seconds left on the clock and we had all but accepted the trophy when Kansas gets the ball after a mishapped shot and catches a once in a lifetime break with a “shot in the dark” 3 pointer and only 2 seconds left on the clock… BOOM. A bomb might as well have gone off in the San Antonio stadium. Kansas took it into overtime with an eventual win of 75-68.

I don’t think I have ever felt this bad about something I was watching on tv, especially a sports game. The tigers had managed to bring together alot of Memphians for something to cheer for. It was great. I have seen people walking down the street just to show off their spirit with giant tiger claws, pointy fingers, and covered in tiger gear. Shit, I even bought a shirt or two myself. The whole city seemed to be united, if you will, for the Tigers. It truly makes me sad to see this pass as a loss for U of M. They deserved it. The worked hard for it. It was a great game. As it is a sad thing, I still can put my chin up and say I’m proud of the tigers. I think they also should be proud of themselves. We as a city should continue to support them as they are the champions of Memphis. They have proven themselves time and time again, showing the rest of the country that we are a force to be reckoned with. Congratulations Memphis, you are #2 in the country and thats not bad at all but just remember, and I can honestly say,you’ll always be #1 to us!

G O T I G E R S!