FINALLY. I received my new Yamaha HS8’s. The clarity out of the box is pretty amazing. I was hoping for more low end than what is there but that will require some tweaking on room size as well as placement. They do have a kick if you turn up the low end far past where it should be but we don’t want to distort the sound or for it to be too loud. I only have these things turned up half way on the amp and they are killer. My neighbors are going to hate me.
I haven’t made any music on them yet as I’m still waiting on the other speaker (that wasn’t dropped off ) to show up. Long story short the guy must not of realized the other box that was labeled and look exactly alike was a pair. UGH. Anyways, I’m looking forward to the second one which I pick up today. I’ve got plenty of things to be working on! Did I mention these guys are massive. In respect to the Alesis I’ve been using for years, these are like giant cinder blocks on stands. I don’t think i would have room on my new studio desk, event if I wanted to put them there. I have been reading on the proper placement and it is recommended to have them away from the wall or else you’ll get bass distortion (YIKES!@) I just might have to pull my desk away from the wall. Sounds like a studio rearrange project on the horizon.