It took me a second to realize what Oscar Isaac said in an interview regarding “Ex Machina” but once I caught it, it made sense. The disco scene in this movie was extremely funky and very awkward to watch at the same time. It came out of no where in this movie and since the character hadn’t been around people for quite sometime, what else would you do but, dance. Great movie… we need more like them however, the song in this disco scene is a favorite of mine and I think I’m going to play it on Saturday for OUR HOUSE at Mollie Fontaine’s. Here is the clip from the movie. I’ll probably do the “secret sun rmx” this weekend.  Groovy.




11755289_10152879061437096_5130674188287895205_nIf you didn’t make it out to the SNUFF show then…you suck. It’s was a night of techno fueled fun. The live acts were great, the Funktion1 sounded amazing and the djs weren’t too shabby either. I have to say the back room at the hi-tone is a nice little out-of-the-way spot. If you didn’t know it was there you’d probably miss it altogether when you walk in… that being said, it’s perfect for some (hint,hint) more techno shows to come. Thanks to Mikey for putting it on, Adam for bringing the big boy sound and Will for asking me to join him. Techner’ accomplished.

Snuff 7-18-SAT

9279_10153383690643648_6905787366071827624_n[2]These crazy folks who like Techno have asked me to join them in a crazy evening of beats and beer. The cool kids are doing it so I might as well, right?

the stuff no one wants to see
but everyone wants to here
BACKROOM vibes with fake 
friends and real music.
   Adam Arthur(666)
The DJs
   Will Azada & Justin Hand
$5 for the Funktion 1 - be ready to dance or just stand there


This fun festivity will be at the HI-TONE off Cleveland in Midtown Memphis from 9-3am

Get Mixed!

Oakheart-Shot-Drink_390x703[1]Is it Thursday again already? BBQfest has my schedule all messed up. Here we are for another edition of Blender @ Mollie Fontaine Lounge with yours truly. The sultry sounds you have come to expect. I’ve got a crap load of tunes prepared for this evening and trust me when I say you won’t be disappointed.

What am I talking about? These are downtempo and chillout tracks….  who cares they rock anyways! I’m ready for a shot, who is with me?