I think my body is finally recovering from the Halloween festivities. That was a crazy month. Big thanks to everyone that made it out to at least one of the shows if not all. Had loads of fun for sure. Freaky Friday w/ Graf was a blast, Sanctuary was the loooong night for sure and Halloween at Mollie’s was well, expectedly a good time! (*damn you Danari for those shots) It’s been a while since we’ve pulled out all the stops multiple times in a month so lots of clean up and sorting to do at storage. Although end of October usually marks my “No bookings until NYE” cool down period, there is a little push to put together a one of at Canvas again as well as a reunion party at Alchemy, but I cant say more ATM. Maybe in early Dec we can get something rolling. I’d like to get one Falk or Michalski back for a techno joint but we’ll have to see what the future has in store. Lot of gear issues, most of them worked out but some upgrades will need to happen before more guests come in so that will be a hurdle. More techno is always better right? Until the next update, try not to overstuff on Turkey and I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.
just saying hi man. peace to you and the family (which includes BA and them). if i hadn’t disconnected my home internet, i would have checked and saw you wuz doing halloween at mollie’s. FedEx and their private investigators sux