I can’t believe I still have this thing. I was cleaning up my links/bookmarks and realized I haven’t logged in to this thing in a bit. I think this is starting to be a common occurrence. It’s now 2022 and we are still living in a pandemic. We have gone through two variants now and Omicron is the most current, which sounds like a rave group from the 90’s – oh wait it is, and “Whaler” is a great track… I digress. I suppose the good news is we bought a new home in the UoM area. We spent our Xmas holiday moving and finally have all the boxes and such out of the old place. Now the fixer-up activities begin. Fun times.
The new place is great and the studio area is coming along nicely. If you have seen the recent broadcast, you most likely caught a glimpse of the new setup. Still, a little tidying up to do but yeah, almost there. With the new year comes new resolutions and getting a more steady stream rolling is one of those items, for both techno and chillout – maybe for some gaming as well!. I’ll be updating things here a little more often (*hopefully) and if this covid situation dies down a bit, we might be back to doing regular gigs again, since by circumstance the dates for the end of ’21 were both on turkey day and Xmas for Canvas shows and they didn’t happen. Keep checking back for updates in that area. I also want to get back to getting some mixes out there again. It’s been some time since I’ve done that and I need to be more consistent, right? OK… stay tuned.