Time to take this techno on the road again and this time join up with my homies in Knoxville for Teknox29. Alex Falk and teknox crew are putting myself, Michalski (Grey People) and the one and only Oliver Dodd (performing LIVE) on at the Birdhouse. Last time I was in Knoxville, I ended up tag setting with Will Azada and a gang at Headroom in to the wee hours of the morning.(*that bass though O_O)
I’m not sure if these guys are ready for another visit from the Fist but since I’m playing with PROs, I’ll be sure to bring my Techno A-game. Prepare yourselves Knoxvillle.
It’s been a while since i’ve posted. Since half the year is about over so why not drop a line to let you all know about an upcoming 80’s vs. 90’s event Mike and I will be doing on Saturday June 18th. It’s at Mollie Fontaine Lounge, our usual spot for this event. Retro new wave and pop from the most decadent time I can think of… seriously. We will also be in the RED ROOM for maximized floor space and dancing room – also important to note: Mollie’s is now a smoke -free establishment for those who prefer not to smell like moldy street trash at the end of the night. We will make sure to bring the heat this time around (*as we always do 😛 ) so be sure to arrive early get your space squared away and prepare to dance. It’s going to be totally gnarly – like for sure.
It took me a second to realize what Oscar Isaac said in an interview regarding “Ex Machina” but once I caught it, it made sense. The disco scene in this movie was extremely funky and very awkward to watch at the same time. It came out of no where in this movie and since the character hadn’t been around people for quite sometime, what else would you do but, dance. Great movie… we need more like them however, the song in this disco scene is a favorite of mine and I think I’m going to play it on Saturday for OUR HOUSE at Mollie Fontaine’s. Here is the clip from the movie. I’ll probably do the “secret sun rmx” this weekend. Groovy.