by jayman | Jan 5, 2017
Have you ever just sat around and thought to yourself where we are… I mean from a time perspective. Take “Back to the Future” for example. According to them we should have had flying cars in mass production two years ago, shoes that tie themselves and hover boards for little children. I suppose progress is a slow arduous process but damn, at least a hover board would be nice. I remember when I was a kid thinking how crazy it would be when I turned 20 and what year it would be, 30, then 40, and so on. I’m sitting here contemplating that i’ll be turning 42 in a couple of months and much like my metabolism, I feel a little like progress seems to have slowed down from where it was in the 90’s. Of course with things in the world seeming more and more like “Idiocracy” on a daily basis I could see why. Maybe I should be grateful that we have slowed down the progress of technology, or at least the release of it to the public seeing as we were moving rapidly closer to the singularity or maybe that’s how it happens… whoa.
Ok.. I’ll stop thinking about that now. There is already plenty of scary shit out there we’ll be dealing with for the next few years. No need to add to it. I think along with trying to eat better and get in shape, i’ll add working more on music as a new year resolution. My gear has been collecting dust for far too long. Now that I think about it, I have an entire Komplete set of plugins that I purchased and haven’t installed along with gear that isn’t even hooked up. Ok, now I feel really lazy. Well, I now know what i’ll be doing this weekend. STUDIO REPAIR and PREP. Hold up… I’m getting ahead of myself here, might have to postpone that seeing as i’ll be busy with EXILE @ Canvas on Sat. Our guest Saint Thomas Ledoux will be here and i’ll need to get ready to get down with him and my partner in crime, mr. technoPants himself, Will Azada. Hoping for a good turn out even though its going to be rather cold, we plan to heat things up. See you there!
by jayman | Nov 10, 2016
Going from a new weekly to adding on a new monthly, it seems. We put on the first EXILE at Canvas and it went rather well. Lots of new faces along with a nice turn out. We have decided to tack on another show for the DEC 3rd (first Saturday of the month). Still working out the details but hopefully ALEX FALK from Knoxville (same guys to bring me to Birdhouse) will be able to guest spot. The space is small so the sound works nicely and there is a small but adequate space to dance along with plenty of bar space, lounging *couch included as well as a patio for smoking and social shenanigans.

Will doing his thing at EXILE (Nov5th)
The spot hosts plenty of artwork from local aspiring as well as accomplished artist from the mid-south area. Pretty swank little place. The first edition on the 5th was Will and I’s first official joint venture. We worked well together anyways but this worked out nicely because we switched off each hour then got to tag towards the end, also allowed enough space to give Kuntzman some deck time. The DDJ-RR worked out ok and the setup was slightly awkward due to the folks walking on behind us and having an “oh wait…” moment. All in all, i think with some tweaking on setup, it could be a slide in and bang it out type gig which are hard to come by. Here is a small pic of sometime at the event. (*note to self: take more pics). They do have screen that I think are hooked to a video system so maybe we can work a dvd screener of the event and maybe some cool graphics to rotate during the show…who knows?!?!? The best part of all this is that Canvas is in midtown (practically across from where the Full Moon used to be) Right where we like it.
Brian Hamilton and company do the third Sat (Soul in the City) there with plenty of house to please so we alternate as the techno group two weeks out. Hopefully you’ll check us out on the 3rd – If you came by and love the music, let us know in the comments and feel free to check out the event page on facebook and by all means, share.
by jayman | Oct 28, 2016
BLNDR (formerly Blender) is now at its new location – ALCHEMY.
Our first Thursday date will be November 3rd. I will say this is going to be a slight shift to the way we did Mollie’s. Alchemy has a bit more flair and it’s in the Cooper/Young area. That means a lot more foot traffic and more clientele so this could be the start of something great I hope. The fam at Mollies will be missed however. Doug, Austin, Frenchie and Guido… I’ve been working with these peeps for so long its tough parting ways, sort of. Well, as they say, when one door closes, another opens. If you are reading this then come down to Alchemy on Thursdays and get mixed!
BLNDR is every Thursday starting November 3rd from 10-1AM (*21 and up // NO COVER)
by jayman | Oct 6, 2016
It’s hard out there for a techno pimp especially in Memphis. There are the tried and true tech fans but mostly blues, folk and dirty south rap rule these lands. Memphis is a magical place full of history and culture just not for techno. They say techno is not understood by most and even less pursue it yet its pseudo-forms can be heard here late night at a dark warehouse or impromptu house party when djs of different paths dip into at the outer reaches of it’s sound. That’s all great and fine… exposure is key and such… Yet, its the heart of techno that is rarely heard, experienced or even acknowledged. For me… it takes a trip to Hart Plaza in May, a flight to Belgium or the seldom party playing fellow techno brethren to really get that feeling. By many, it is often not recognized for what it is nor given it’s due. It’s a feeling, its a sound but more than that, its fuel for a flame that burns deep inside. If you get lucky enough to feel the fever, it can change your life.
Being a dj who plays techno in a city that is fickle at best, only embracing techno for the occasional cheap late night thrill then tossing it to the side like old tattered rags, can make for a lonely trip down my personal music lane. It can wear down the soul.But as most true techno djs do, we press on. I raise my glass to all those techno guys out there – fighting the good fight. It’s in our nature and the music we play, the fusion of technology and soul, its what carries us through and keeps us doing what we do, playing what we play. So, it’s this point that brings me to the current post. Here is my latest mix. A journey into the mind, heart and soul of a techno dj as I take you down the road less traveled.
Enjoy and if you like, please share.