by jayman | Mar 11, 2019
Another year has begun and now that we are past March 4th, another year older. Got some gigs coming up. Check the gigs section for more details. CANVAS and MOLLIE’s are on the bill. Who know what else might be coming up. St. Patty’s day is right around the corner… my liver is not ready.
Anthem on the xbox is already finished. They need to hurry up and come out with some sort of story line update. If anyone is looking for a late bday prez, METRO EXODUS for XBOX would be a good one.
Well, just keeping this thing current. I’ll be sure and post something interesting soon. I have pics from the last few CANVAS events that I need to put up. SOON.
by jayman | Jun 28, 2018

Memphis Summer is here… sweltering temps, humidity that makes the air thick enough to slice with a knife and bugs the size of small birds. I am NOT a heat person. I would much rather be on a ski slope or a breezy chill night in a hoodie, thats what i’m all about, 95 degress with 110% humidity, I am not. I would, however, like to be on a beach, at sunset in a place where the temps are low 70’s – upper 60’s when the sun goes down. That I could learn to love. With the summer comes pools, bikinis, and lots of drinking. So it’s not all too bad. BBQfest and Movement started the heat off in the right direction. I’m still semi-high from Detroit (*although that wont last for too long) and started up ExilE again. First show was good and the Memphis gang from Detroit showed up, all of us still beaming from a great time which made it even better. Will I make it next year… that remains to be seen. As Shelley says, a family vacation to Europe is going to take the stage before that happens, i’m pretty sure. There might be a Scandinavian adventure in my future… possibly?
I’m heading off to Chicago this weekend to take Shelley and Noah to LegoLand plus see the Aquarium and the Sciene and Technology Museum – they have a Pixar exhibit that I think Shelley is going to love. Then it’s off to take Noah to his grandparents for his annual summer bday party and vacation stay. When I return it will be time for Exile #2 with Andy Redrum as our guest and it should be a good show! Then on the 28th – Justin’s VERSUS Brian’s – showdown between house and techno veterans – this will be a Growlers on Poplar – first time playing at this location since it was the hitone. We are combining sound systems for this one so it’s going to be loud and crazy!!!! Hope to see all the heads and alot of new folks mingling at this one. Then… EXILE returns on August 4th with special guest WILL AZADA – my cohost from the first iteration of Exile returns for a special set that i’m sure will be a treat. Fun stuff planned for the next couple of weeks which def makes this years summer heat somewhat bearable. See you guys soon!
by jayman | May 15, 2018
Detroit… Oh how i’ve missed you so – Techno for 4 days straight – Here we come….

by jayman | Mar 13, 2018
It’s been a couple of months since I made a post as you can probably tell. Took a break for a bit but now I’m back. Got a nice snow over the holidays plus a number of other happenings. Just past my 43rd and that was, well, uneventful. I did get the final ok to roll to Movement this year. It’s kind of strange though, I really want to go but the line up isn’t mind blowing so it’s more to see old friends and hang than really to “party” as it were. My roomie Doug is definitely along my speed so I’m sure we’ll both call it early each night by the rave standard but that’s ok. Shelley is really being great about supporting me to go on this trip again but I wish it didn’t cost as much because I’d really like to spend that towards the family coastal trip we are hoping to take soon. We need one too.
Music making has been slow going. Taking some courses on music theory via J.Allen(Slam Academy) on Udemy (*which I highly recommend). Lots of good stuff there I’m ready to put to action. Also trying to dive in to some of the plug ins I’ve obtained through NI. Reaktor alone is enough to keep you busy for a full year trying to pull back the layers not to mention the crap ton of others that came in the KOMPLETE 11 drive I picked up. I’m almost a little overwhelmed. I might just take one plug in at a time and make several tracks with each one as the focus (*that’s a really good idea – I should right that down). Probably the last good thing to mention during this stint of retreat is that I finally got to hang with my buddy Lee at his “Techno Fire Pit”. After the kids are down, we get together in his backyard to listen to the latest findings of techno goodness in front of his large fire pit with a couple of drinks. If the weather is right, there isn’t a lot more that I would rather do.
by jayman | Nov 8, 2017
I think my body is finally recovering from the Halloween festivities. That was a crazy month. Big thanks to everyone that made it out to at least one of the shows if not all. Had loads of fun for sure. Freaky Friday w/ Graf was a blast, Sanctuary was the loooong night for sure and Halloween at Mollie’s was well, expectedly a good time! (*damn you Danari for those shots) It’s been a while since we’ve pulled out all the stops multiple times in a month so lots of clean up and sorting to do at storage. Although end of October usually marks my “No bookings until NYE” cool down period, there is a little push to put together a one of at Canvas again as well as a reunion party at Alchemy, but I cant say more ATM. Maybe in early Dec we can get something rolling. I’d like to get one Falk or Michalski back for a techno joint but we’ll have to see what the future has in store. Lot of gear issues, most of them worked out but some upgrades will need to happen before more guests come in so that will be a hurdle. More techno is always better right? Until the next update, try not to overstuff on Turkey and I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.