2025… like whoa.

It is 2025 and i’m like… where am i. This past year has been so crazy busy that it just blew past me like the wind. I blinked and the year was gone. So much happening this year I have no doubt the same will happen. Alot of life changing events that I don’t want to list here but some have the potential to put me in a dark state so I will do my best to keep my head up and move forward. Other events though are milestones that help with career and quality of life, like my return to school. That venture is coming to an end in May and I can’t wait. To anyone thinking about putting off college right out of high school, I encourage you to not put it off. Get it done and over. You’ll thank me. You don’t want to revisit later in life like I have. I returned at the fall of 2018 and i’m just now finishing.

Maaaan. I can’t wait to walk across that stage. Art college was a great idea back in ’93 but life pulled me in a different direction… I wish I would have fought back, knowing what I know now. Regardless, here we are and the light is bright at the end of the tunnel. DJing and working on music has come to a near halt over the last year. I hope to get that back up and moving at a fast pace forward. With the removal of school stress, I should be able to focus more and progressing in that arena. All in all, I remain hopeful despite the obvious obstacles as well as the political chaos that will be the next 4 years. Screw all that… Let’s get this train moving. All aboard! Thanks for local promoters and djs alike, i’ve been still guesting here and there. Looking forward to my NYC gig in March. Should be a fun time seeing Jake and JB. Miss those guys and that trip will be a nice refresher. Who know what other old school friends might show up. It just so happens to fall on my bday week as well. Good times ahead.

If you get a chance – check out the “Getting out of hand” mix I posted a few weeks ago – hope to get another up very soon.

New mix comin’ at cha!

I have been slackin’ hard on the mix arena. Alot of great tracks to put on several mixes but life keeps me busy sometimes… but here you go. A holiday gift from me to you. Check this mix out on the right or on Mixcloud link HERE. It’s a mix of some old and new tracks that i’ve been playing in heavy rotation over the last couple of months. I enjoy them and hope you do as well. Merry Quimby!

New year New Place

It is time for a change, and we have decided to relocate to Stick’em in midtown Memphis (next to the BBQshop). We did our end-of-year 2023 show there due to an issue with Canvas, and we got a great response. We decided to make a move and see how it worked out. Space is a different layout and mgmt very open to what we are doing… so here we are. We have the next few shows lined up and we’ll see how it develops. Come check us out for the first show on Saturday, Feb 3rd. We hope to see you there, and please, let us know what you think. T4L!

Meet me at the “Crossroads”

This weekend’s next EXILE show will be another Resident Night with Mirdo, McConnell, and myself. Per usual, it is guaranteed to be a great time. The following week I’ll be playing with a bunch of folks from TN, Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, and more. Will get to hang with some long-time buds as well. The show is titled “Crossroads Music Festival” and will be at Lake Sara in Effingham, IL. You can check out the details on FB here.

Pack your bag and head to IL early on Friday if you can go. The party starts at sundown and goes on until Sunday morning. The shenanigans will be in full effect. If you can’t go, you won’t have to worry. Exile returns in Aug on the 26th with guest Freewill from MDHT. This will be his raincheck show from earlier this year, which he had to cancel for personal reasons. He played last week at Soul in the City and put in a techno set as a preview. He is sure to bring the heat. So, we’ll see you one way or another!

*Keep your eyes and ears peeled for a new mix coming your way!

Exile Holiday Hangout

Just a little update – coming up at Canvas in Memphis on November 12th, The last of the SITC – Exile series and now Justin’s vs. Brian’s with the MDHT crew. The last time we got the J’s and B’s on the decks was at Growlers several years back. It was a blast and I’m sure this one will be just as rowdy! I hope to see my Memphis peeps out for this. On the travel front, I’ll be playing at No Requests in Portland, Or on Nov. 17th with Gabriel Dellous and Erik Jones. I’ve been through but never stopped in Portland. Finally, getting to see some long-time friends and play some tunes. It should be fun. I’ll be there the whole weekend so who knows where else you might find me. Make sure to come out if you are in the area.

In December, getting the stream gang back together for the ‘holidaze’ and doing a little hangout at Casa de Fist. Mike and Mirdo will join me for a broadcast from 8 til’ who knows when, and we will broadcast on the exiledjs page on twitch. I highly recommend that you make some plans to join the broadcast and hang out with us. We’ll be playing some tunes and making sure some shenanigans are happening.

Super not-so-secret news, EXILE will return on the regular in 2023 with full force. We are working out the details, but as soon as we have the info, I’ll be sure to share it with all of you crazy folks. Also, be on the lookout for BACKLOG 2 very shortly. If you missed the first one, you can check it out in the player on the right-side menu or hop over to my Mixcloud for a selection of other mixes you might want to throw down. Until the next update…