Time seems to have slipped past me again – it keeps doing that?!?! It’s almost the end of August and I haven’t even started on my Halloween costume. In my mind it’s still summer. Well as you can see from the countdown on the right I have finally noticed how close the season is to a close. Time to get ready for fall festivities and my fav holiday of the year. This year has gone so fast that I feels like I’ve missed something. Oh yeah, a lot of 100° or above temps and can’t breathe 100+% humidity. Good ol’Memphis Weather. Seriously I don’t know how I make it through or anyone else for that matter. With summer coming to a close, the weather, you would assume, would start to take a dive but oh no… not in Memphis. It will still be 80 come December. We’ll get a magical weekend of 70’s then BOOM nothing but 40’s and scares of possible freezing rain. SIGH*
At least I have a bundle of updated Native Instrument plugins to keep me company! A recent death in the studio forced me to upgrade my mac and along with it most of my software since it was so old that the versions I had were all out of date with current hardware. JOY! The upside of having to spend a crap ton of money, was having to update software along which included an upgrade to KOMPLETE 11. Holy crap batman! This thing has more synths than you can shake a stick at. Frankly i’m a bit over whelmed as I feel like I’ve be under utilizing most of what I’ve had in the past. With some of the new synths like Monark and Prism, plus the updated and added LOGIC synths, I have instruments for days. I don’t know how to work half of this stuff. Luckily NI tossed me a free education signup for some brief how to’s on their base synth line. Even with synths I’ve had for years, I’m finding that I haven’t even scratched the surface- take MASSIVE for instance – WOW. This thing is really massive and not just for the squelchy edm sounds it produces, I mean this thing can do just about anything. The best part of the online education from NI is that it is keeping me engadged in the studio which is sorely needed. To be honest, just with Monark and the standard logic synths and drums, I have enough to go on for years but with Komplete 11 in my pocket the musical possibilities are endless – just got to keep on it. I just might have to upgrade my soundcloud account in the near future. O_o