It has been a while since I’ve updated the site. Life happens, ya know? Well I need to get back in to the swing of things and start updating this bad boy. IT’s almost xmas time so there is lots going on for the holidaze! OUR HOUSE will return on Jan 19th(also feb 16th and mar. 16th). Seems that I will not be doing NYE at Mollie’s this year and I opted for a more lax, friends oriented hangout at the Casa De Silver loft for the new year. Locals playing will be the usual suspects and it should be easy going. The 80’s even that was supposed to be this month was going to be hosted on nye but they ended up doing a private rental so we got bumped, if you will. That’s all fine and dandy though. Too much wrapped up in the how to’s and why not’s to really enjoy it all.

Easy is what is needed this year. who cares really, we are all going to die on Friday anyways. I wonder how many people are going to quit their jobs, tell their bosses to fuck off or just walk out. Maybe some people will sell their shit, close up their homes or just walk out leaving the house unlocked and door wide open thinking the rapture is finally here (if you believe in such things) I feel pretty confident that Friday will be just as drab as the rest of the week except it begins the 14 day holiday for me! W00t.