Well, Memorial Day weekend has come and gone and with it, so has the MOVEMENT (aka Detroit Electronic Music Festival). Another year gone and another year I didn’t get to go for one reason or another. That makes 3 in a row I’ve missed and i’m not happy about it. Although the years are beginning to weigh heavy on this old man, I still have some fury left in me for some techno. I’ve been having to deal with the obligatory posts in “facespace” that start off with something like, “Whoa, those were the best 3 days of my life…” or “I cant believe how awesome that was..” or better yet my favorite, “I got to see (insert once in a life time artist here), I cant believe it!”. The worst part is not getting to hang with fellow techno enthusiasts such as my BT12 crew and of course not to forget my partner in crime Doug Hamilton aka EuroTrash. I miss that guy… Well, enough sulking about it. I have resigned to not missing another year. I think it is my source for recharging the batteries if you will. A wellspring of renewed creativity and motivation for all things Techno. (I think that’s why my wife doesn’t care for it O_o) So yeah, next year it is.
Until then, i’ll just have to find new ways to get motivated. Speaking of Techno, EXILE is this weekend and back on the decks is my TN brotha from another mutha – Will Azada who has been vacant for the last two bits. Back in the action, i’m sure he has plenty of craziness to share from his trip to motor city. Exile is at Canvas and as usual we ask for a humble $5 cover for a night of bangin’ beats that are sure to please. We start at 10 so come early – stay late and dance.
Was it tonight?! Man, I was talking to B Dog earlier today, if I’d known, I might have stayed in MEM. A, I am proud of all of you, keep doing your thing