Well shit… I haven’t been here in over a year. I can’t believe i’ve been away soooo long. Since most of the world is on lock down and i’m working from home, figured I should make a post. It seems surreal that we are all here at the house, in different rooms all working on laptops. I took a break from the meetings and start going through some older bookmarks, doing clean up and came across some older LFORADIO stuff that I haven’t seen in years. I miss the station, parties and djs. We had some good times. Although, there were plenty of hurdles and issues, the station grew to be a well oiled machine in the end. If it wasn’t so expensive to run, I would have kept it up. With all the djs at home right now, the shows would be doing great right about now, i’m sure. I wish I still had all the files – just upload and start again. *sigh. Most of the services that I used are still actively updating and even have new features that I wish I had back then. Video seems to be the way to go these days. Chew.tv was go to for a little bit. Mike and I even did a number of broadcasts from the new CANVAS events. It’s now “bandlab“. I haven’t had a chance to broadcast on it yet but seems pretty easy. With events being cancelled, maybe there is no better time than the present (post work) to put together a broadcast. I need to update some of the plugins as well first. I guess I need to get to work on it.